

Welcome to Kindergarten

The Kindergarten Education Curriculum emphasises on fostering children’s learning interest, building positive values and attitudes, and enhancing self-confidence and self-care abilities. This is the first opportunity for children to begin to understand school as a place of learning. They learn about sharing, caring for others and themselves, taking turns and respecting the rights of others.

The Kindergarten programme aims to help children achieve physical development, cognitive and language development, moral, aesthetic development and social development with a view to nurture children to attain holistic development. Using concrete experiences, the educational experiences provide a balance and variety among physical, intellect, ethics, aesthetic and social activities as the child’s world of awareness is extended from home to classroom.

The Kindergarten classroom is a language-rich experience for all. Students are introduced to basic reading skills through shared reading experiences, rhymes, poems, and classic stories to develop the attitude and confidence in interacting with people and their environment. Technology is introduced as a learning tool. Skills related to kinaesthetic, visual and auditory discrimination, left to right orientation, vocabulary development, whole word recognition, and relationships between letters and sounds are taught in the context of responding to high quality education.

The Kindergarten curriculum adopts real life themes to connect learning areas through an integrated approach. Real life themes, such as family, festivals and community are the main focus to connect the content of different learning areas. Real life and contextualised learning helps children to become aware of science, mathematics, and its relationship with their life. It develops children’s interest and motivation in learning mathematics through solving practical problems in real life situations.

Children are curious by nature. ‘Nature and living’ emphasises developing and sustaining in children curiosity and exploratory spirit to help them learn how to acquire knowledge, and to instil in them the values and attitudes to respect, appreciate and cherish the environment and nature. It helps children to express their thoughts towards nature and surroundings, and to experience the relationship among nature, technology and our everyday life, through observation, prediction and comparison.

We focus on learning through play way methods and hands-on activities in order to make learning as fun for the students. Each child is unique and precious. We take time to encourage each child to learn and explore their interests even deeper.