

Knowledge Enrichment in Every Book!

Our school library is a haven for book lovers! We take immense pride in offering a diverse collection of over 11,000 books spanning multiple genres. Our goal is to ignite and nurture the love for reading in our students. One of the highlights of our literacy calendar is the much-awaited book week celebration. During this event, students immerse themselves in a world of literature through engaging activities and events. It’s a time when the magic books come alive in our school. For those who seek more than just reading, we have an active Book Club. Students can order books, participate in discussions, and exchange thoughts and ideas with fellow book enthusiasts. We have a book fair during our Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) where parents actively participate. They shop for books alongside their children, and several book publishers also join the fair. It’s a wonderful way to explore new literary horizons and foster a sense of community among readers. Our school library is the place to explore and let the world of books open up new horizons for the students!